Dear Pike Families,
As we embark on a new school year, I want to emphasize the critical importance of daily student attendance and share some important information regarding a new law SB 282 - Absenteeism that took effect on July 1, 2024.
As you know, regular attendance is vital for your child's academic success and overall development. Every school day provides unique opportunities for learning and growth that cannot be replicated outside the classroom.
With this in mind, the state of Indiana has established new requirements of schools pertaining to chronic absenteeism. Details are outlined below:
Parent Conference Requirement: If a student, in grades K-6, misses 5 days within a 10-week period, a mandatory parent conference will be scheduled. During this meeting, we will work together to create an action plan aimed at reducing the number of unexcused absences and supporting your child's attendance.
Referral to Marion County Prosecutor's Office: Should a student reach 10 days of unexcused absences, the new law requires that the student be referred to the Marion County Prosecutor's Office for truancy.
In addition, as required by Indiana state statute, any student in grades K-12 who attains 10 unexcused absence days (habitual truant) will be referred to the Department of Children’s Services.
We understand that there may be valid reasons for absences, such as illness or family bereavement. In such cases, please communicate with your child’s school as soon as possible so that attendance is properly coded in Skyward, the student information system.
Our goal is to work collaboratively with you to ensure that your child attends school regularly and benefits fully from their education.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Together, we can establish and maintain a productive learning environment for all students. If you have any questions or concerns about this new law or your child's attendance, do not hesitate to contact us.
Download the Here Comes the Bus app in your app store to track your child's bus and set notifications.
Take a look at the Getting Started Guide and find specific bus stop information in Skyward.
CREW Wellness
C.R.E.W. is a district-wide initiative with the focus of engaging all Pike Township stakeholders in the area of wellness. More specifically, C.R.E.W. participants commit to self-care, well-being, eating nutritional meals, and 20 minutes of physical activity per day for at least 5 days a week.
Participants in the C.R.E.W. initiative are asked to submit pledge cards indicating their commitment to a total number of miles in physical activity over the course of a school year to help Guion Creek Elementary achieve its goal of 88,869 miles.
Please fill out the Guion Creek Elementary Pledge Form here: GCES Pledge Form
Each week, participants will fill out their mileage tracker using this log sheet.
We will be monitoring our progress towards our school goal of at least 88,869 miles, or the square mileage of the country of Romania. Students will be learning more about this country as we participate in this wellness challenge!